
We are working with six separate voyage accounts, documenting English voyages in the Pacific between 1766 and 1780.

We have extracted matched pairs of latitude and longitude coordinates from two of these voyage files, and have successfully converted these to KML files to view in Google Earth, together with the surrounding paragraph of text for each pair of coordinates. Please see our Maps page to view the Google Earth visualizations. As we continue our work, more voyage files will be posted here. For now the three voyage files available also form our database set from which we compile our geographical coordinate data as well as data on people and contexts for study with the poetry files.

In the early phase of this project, during the winter months of 2013, we spent much time preparing good XML files from a range of distinct base texts, from Project Gutenberg, from the ECCO Text Creation Partnership, and finally from early Microsoft Word documents generously sent to us by Nicholas Thomas, Professor of Historical Anthropology at the University of Cambridge, who published editions of Johann and Georg Forster's narratives in the 1990s and early 2000s. At this point, our files of Hawkesworth and of Cook's Second Voyage have undergone the most intensive markup, and these along with the XML file of Georg Forster's narrative of Cook's second voyage are all fully TEI P5 conformant. In preparing these files, we experimented with identity transformations from XML to XML (as exemplified by the Early Stage Identity Transformation of the Cook file), and we soon developed XSLT stylesheets to transform XML to HTML. We experimented with both the Hawkesworth HTML transformation and the Cook HTML Transformation with applying color coding with CSS to spans of our markup. Much of this color coding will likely change or disappear as we rethink how we are coding cultural contact episodes. For now the bright colors help us to take stock of what we've marked, why it's significant, and how we might code differently as we think about intersections across multiple files. We will most likely be keeping the blue color-coded spans indicating the geo elements, or latitude and longitude coordinates we have marked during our careful sifting of these files and intensive labors with regular expressions.